In the second week of January, as the new term began, a staff meeting was held at the school regarding the impact the of the drought in the area and I received a plea from the teachers regarding funding for lunches for the children. There has been no rain to grow crops, there is severe hunger and funds are required to save the children in this difficult period.

First day of term!



I sent out an appeal for funds and the people responded.  Thanks to their support I was able to send funding to the school for enough maize to last until March.  With this funding huge sacks of maize were bought and delivered to the school.  The older children helped to move the sacks to a store room.

Some of the mothers come up from the village to do the cooking in enormous pots over hot coals all set up in a part of the school grounds.  Cooking for 722 is quite a task!!  


. . . . . and the children tuck in  . . .


Funding is still needed if we are to continue to provide a daily lunch at school for the pupils.  Obviously, we are hoping that the rains will save the day but at present it doesn’t seem likely.  The rain which fell during the middle of February, although not the drenching rain they usually have at this time of the year, was enough to make the young maize plants look strong (Photo 1). Two weeks later and without a drop of rain, it has taken its toll on the plants in the fields of maize (photos 2 and 3).  They need the annual rains to survive!​

Thanks to the response to a further appeal we were able to purchase a second delivery of maize to provide the lunches.


The school is closing for Easter break from the end of March until 17th April so we have a little time to think about the next step.  If you would like to make a contribution please go the the “Donate” page where it’s easy to use the links which are secure. 


Further donations from supporters enabled us to continue with school lunches right through until the middle of June when the children broke up for school holidays. 


The response to the appeal for funds for the Annual School Trip to Mikumi National Park was amazing and the required amount was raised in good time to secure the booking for the trip which took place over the weekend of 16th September.     

This annual trip is a celebration for pupils in their final year at Primary School and it is anticipated with glee, encouraging pupils to work especially hard and have good attendance to ensure them a place on the trip. 

Three smart buses arrived at 6am on 16th September to pick up the 70 very excited children and their 10 teachers.

On arrival at Mikumi lots of photos were taken at the main gate whilst the children waited to be signed in.

During the game drives in the park the children saw elephant, zebra, buffalo at a waterhole and an enormous crocodile.

The children also visited a reptile park where they were able to handle tortoises and, under supervision, one of the snakes. 

The hostel they stayed in overnight provided their meals and also had a small swimming pool on the premises which was very popular.   Needless to say they all had a very memorable time.  



Thanks to all who contributed to the lunch this year we were able to make all the arrangements in good time.  It was held on the 8th December in the school grounds and was a great success.  The children, staff, School Committee and elders had a wonderful time, as you will see by the videos and photos below.  Music was provided this year and . . . . how they all love to dance.

Cooking for so many children, staff, School Committee and elders from the village is a huge task.

The food was prepared in enormous pots: 

The children lined up with their containers . . . .

having a soda is a real treat!