
Wikipedia: Kongwa
Wikipedia: Groundnut Scheme

Map with location of school– Savannah Tours Ltd, Dar-es-Salaam.  Our preferred tour company whose ongoing support of this project has proved invaluable. – St. Philips Mission in Kongwa, where we stay when we visit the school.  Anyone seeking accommodation in Kongwa should contact by email  to enquire about booking. – Waltham St Lawrence Primary School in Berkshire, England.   Twinned in 2009 with Mnyakongo Primary School, Kongwa, Tanzania. – A Boy’s Tale of Africa by Anthony R. Edwards, ex-pupil of Kongwa School, now living in Canada.  Open this link  MediaRelease for further details.

Books by Brian Dawtrey – unique tales of journeys to and inside ‘old’ Africa, safaris under canvas to some of the remotest places in all Africa with no facilities or maps.  Written by Brian Dawtry – a good friend of my father’s when we lived in Mbeya.