Grateful thanks to ex-Kongwa pupils, their friends, colleagues and supporters (too many to list) who give generously to enable us to make these small steps each year to help this school help themselves to a better education.
Thanks also to:
The San Diego State University Honors Program, The Honors Council, Phi Kappa Phi, Scholars Without Borders, and Mortar Board whose ongoing support for The Tanzania Literacy Project is the key to its success.
Savannah Tours, Dar-es-Salaam who year on year give of their time and resources to assist us. Their ongoing support of the Project is valued immensely.
The Rotary Club, Bahari, Dar-es-Salaam, for their assistance, local knowledge and support.
TeamSportsWear, Doncaster, for their ongoing generous donations of football kit and sportswear.
Smithy Bridge Methodist Church
Glenn Stevenson (Glennyboy) and his band The Marley Motown Experience, who perform at a variety of events including charity gigs raising funds for various causes.
Rob Neild, computer fundi, whose technical knowledge is invaluable in the building and maintenance of this site and the servicing and maintenance of the computers at the school.
Waltham St. Lawrence Primary School, Berkshire, twinned with Mnyakongo Primary School in 2009 and who continue to raise funds for the children there.
Maidenhead Nursery School, Berkshire, who kindly hold fundraising events to support the Kindergarten.
The Lawns Nursery School, Berkshire, who regularly hold fundraising events to support the Kindergarten.
Phil Watts, electrician, whose electrical and negotiation skills were key to the successful completion of the installations at the school and who shared his knowledge with local electricians in Kongwa thus enabling them to fully maintain the supply.
Ryan Sprouls, Founder of Pens to People, who chose us for two donations of pens.
MAK Books & Brains, Dar-es-Salaam, our supplier of Swahili books and supporter of the school.
Sara Blakely, CEO of SPANX, for generously covering shipping costs for the pens from the United States to UK.
The Michael Shanly Charitable Trust for their sponsorship enabling us to complete the final stages of the electricity installation at the school.
DPSS Cabling Services Limited, Uxbridge for their support of the Project and generous donation.
Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre for their donations of tennis balls.
Kitchen Table Charities Trust who funded the Latrine Project in 2016
Kitchen Table Charities Trust whose funding of the Borehole Project has made a life-changing difference for the school children and surrounding villagers.