Tour 2011

Tanzania Literacy Project supported with a generous Literacy Grant by

2011 Phi Kappa Phi Literacy Grant Selection Committee and the Society Board of Directors

Peter Larlham

Arriving in Dar es Salaam I exchanged the $1,827 grant money for the Swahili textbooks I had ordered through Scholastic.  All transactions are cash only. Wandering around with 2 million Tanzanian shillings in large wads of notes made me feel rich as a Tanzanian millionaire but a real target for any would-be pickpocket.  I was relieved to part with the cash.  The books had been ordered and were ready, packed for our pick up.  We loaded them into a van generously supplied by our tour company Savannah Tours, and set of for Kongwa.



We are greeted on our arrival at the school!   … and, gosh!  They had named the library!

The books were unpacked – including history, home economics, Swahili (learning to read and write), and science books.



SDSU student Aaron Almuina helps with the unpacking.  Headteacher Angelina Munduli shows the excitement we all felt.

Especially me!

500 books in all!


The Headteacher, myself, and a senior School Board Member stand before a plaque which reads:

“This library was born of a collaboration between Mnyakongo Primary School and members of Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 96.

                                            San Diego State University, USA
